The History and Theory of Children’s Citizenship in Contemporary Societies
Brian Milne
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Teosta "The History and Theory of Children’s Citizenship in Contemporary Societies" ei välttämättä ole tällä hetkellä saatavilla Antikvaarista tai teoslistamme on vielä puutteellinen. Katsothan samankaltaiset tuotteet sekä alempaa löytyvät tuote-ehdotuksemme teokseen liittyen. Voit myös lisätä tämän teoksen toivelistallesi ja saat halutessasi ilmoituksen sähköpostiisi, kun tuotteita tulee saataville.
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Springer Netherlands
Ei tiedossa
Alkuperäinen nimi
s:946:"This book examines the notion of children having full citizenship. It does so historically, through intellectual discourse, beliefs, and moral and ideological positions on children. It looks at the status and extent of knowledge of the position of children covering about 2500 years. The book takes European and other cultures, traditions and beliefs into consideration. It reflects on the topic from a variety of disciplines, including social sciences, theology and philosophy. The book places children’s citizenship in the centre of children’s rights discourse. Part of the work is a critical appraisal of ‘children’s participation’ because it diverts attention away from children as members of society toward being a separable group. The book moves on from child participation using a children’s rights based argument toward examination of the relationship of the child with the state, i.e. as potentially full member citizens. ";